Trends that are changing the bread segment. Rich dough pastry. Origins.

How to come up with a relevant presentation for PISCHEVKA? We have a step-by-step recipe. Take RUSAGRO’s long-term expertise in the fat and oil business. Add trends from the Vatel Consulting industry agency. Mix it all with the charisma of leading brand manager Irina Osokina and the excellent sense of humor of analyst Anna Malyavina. Serve even to the “chilled” public. This duet will stir up interest in any topic!

Trends that are changing the bread segment. Rich dough pastry. Origins. In their presentation ‘Trends that are Changing the Bread Segment. Rich Dough Pastry. Start’, the experts will analyze a trend that has noticeably revived recently – the demand for rich dough pastry. Consumer interest is increasing – statistics confirm this trend, which means manufacturers need to know what the consumer wants. PoTRENDim September 21-22, Sochi

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